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Alumni 2017

A Study of High and Low Cognitive Demand in FMRP KO mice to Model ASD
Alexander Jackson, Elizabeth Ogundare, Alana Watt
Natasha Bobrowski-Khoury, PhD candidate
Prof. Juan Marcos Alarcon, PhD
Evaluation of Synaptic Function in the Hippocampal Circuit of an ASD Mouse Model
​Marie Ceant, Ashley Jackman, Kwame Tannis
Ifeoma Ezeoke, Medical Student
Rudolf Abdelmessih, Research Assistant
Prof. Juan Marcos Alarcon, PhD
The Effects of Object Play and Social Interaction on GLUR1 Levels in a Mouse Model of Autism (FMR1 KO)
Marco Diaz-Cordova, Athena Stenor,
J’Nique Williams
Rebekah Cesar, Medical Student
Joey Bukai, Research Assistant
Prof. Juan Marcos Alarcon, PhD
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